Tailing Frame for Tailing Tower Sections

Eager.one supplied a 600 t SWL Tailing Frame to MHI Vestas Offshore Wind for tailing tower sections. The scope included the engineering, fabrication and also load and functional testing.

The tailing frame was designed in a way that it could eliminate a tailing crane on-site. As a result, the job can go faster and more efficiently, saving space and costs.

Take a look at the video below, which gives a perfect impression of how the tailing frame works.


During a vessel loading operation, SPMTs and vessels crane are already available. As the tailing crane has no other use on-site, a tailing frame is a very suitable alternative. The tailing frame is designed to fit in an open top 40ft container. Therefore, it can be easily shipped worldwide.

mhi tailing frame


Contact us for more information on tailing frames and how they can support your project.

The tailing frame was designed for the tailing of tower sections. It was designed in a way that it could eliminate a tailing crane on-site. As a result, the job can go faster and more efficiently, saving space and costs.

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