Gantry cranes for Hopper dredgers

Over the years, has designed more than 30 gantry cranes for hopper dredgers.  Draghead, intermediate, pump and trunnion gantries were part of our scope, as well as the hoist wire rope routing and heave/swell compensatory. gantries

Where are gantry cranes on hopper dredgers used for?

The removal of debris and sediments from the sea, harbor and ocean bottom is called dredging. It is a routine necessity in waterways because sedimentation – the natural process of sand & silt washing downstream – gradually fills the waterways. The gantries are installed on deck and are used to deploy the dredgers’ suction tube to the seabed.


Looking for an engineer for your next dredging project?

Contact us to discuss your project requirements. We are eager to help you!

Senior Project Engineer
Phone: 0031 (0)30 2 40 80 60

The gantry cranes are installed on deck where they are used to deploy the dredgers’ suction tube to the seabed.

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